no video 45
NO VIDEO Series:
It happens that netcams are out of order for some reason and therefore do not send live pictures to the net. In such cases, the camera operators switch an error message to the network instead of the live image.
These error messages (which can be stored as images like the live images) are pointed out to this fact in various ways. Sometimes simply, sometimes extensively, sometimes with a picture deposited and sometimes only as a text image.
If you print these pictures and hang them on the wall of a gallery or a museum, they turn into partly absurd messages about the world as well about pictures in general and they ask questions about the reception, origin, essence etc. of pictures.
A framed photograph with the simple message "kein Bild" (no picture) on it, immediately spreads out a whole catalogue of questions - completely unintentionally by the camera owners.
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no video 197
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NO VIDEO, exhibition view, Fridericianum Kassel (DE)
NO VIDEO, exhibition outline
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